Yasuhiro Kimura
2021-05-10 07:41:18 UTC
I tried to update lang/pyton-doc-html and found `make makesum` fails
as following.
***@rolling-vm-freebsd2[1242]% pwd
***@rolling-vm-freebsd2[1243]% git status
On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean
***@rolling-vm-freebsd2[1244]% make -C lang/python-doc-html makesum /usr/ports
===> python-doc-html-3.9.4 depends on file: /usr/local/sbin/pkg - found
=> python-3.8.9-docs-html.tar.bz2 doesn't seem to exist in /net/freebsd/ports/distfiles/python.
===> /!\ Warning /!\
The :3x8x9 group used for python-3.8.9-docs-html.tar.bz2 is missing
from MASTER_SITES. Check for typos, or errors.
=> Attempting to fetch https://www.python.org/ftp/python/doc/3.9.4/python-3.8.9-docs-html.tar.bz2
fetch: https://www.python.org/ftp/python/doc/3.9.4/python-3.8.9-docs-html.tar.bz2: Not Found
=> Attempting to fetch https://www.python.org/ftp/python/doc/current/python-3.8.9-docs-html.tar.bz2
fetch: https://www.python.org/ftp/python/doc/current/python-3.8.9-docs-html.tar.bz2: Not Found
=> Attempting to fetch http://distcache.FreeBSD.org/ports-distfiles/python/python-3.8.9-docs-html.tar.bz2
fetch: http://distcache.FreeBSD.org/ports-distfiles/python/python-3.8.9-docs-html.tar.bz2: Not Found
=> Couldn't fetch it - please try to retrieve this
=> port manually into /net/freebsd/ports/distfiles/python and try again.
*** Error code 1
make[1]: stopped in /usr/ports/lang/python-doc-html
*** Error code 1
make: stopped in /usr/ports/lang/python-doc-html
What's wrong?
Yasuhiro Kimura
I tried to update lang/pyton-doc-html and found `make makesum` fails
as following.
***@rolling-vm-freebsd2[1242]% pwd
***@rolling-vm-freebsd2[1243]% git status
On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean
***@rolling-vm-freebsd2[1244]% make -C lang/python-doc-html makesum /usr/ports
===> python-doc-html-3.9.4 depends on file: /usr/local/sbin/pkg - found
=> python-3.8.9-docs-html.tar.bz2 doesn't seem to exist in /net/freebsd/ports/distfiles/python.
===> /!\ Warning /!\
The :3x8x9 group used for python-3.8.9-docs-html.tar.bz2 is missing
from MASTER_SITES. Check for typos, or errors.
=> Attempting to fetch https://www.python.org/ftp/python/doc/3.9.4/python-3.8.9-docs-html.tar.bz2
fetch: https://www.python.org/ftp/python/doc/3.9.4/python-3.8.9-docs-html.tar.bz2: Not Found
=> Attempting to fetch https://www.python.org/ftp/python/doc/current/python-3.8.9-docs-html.tar.bz2
fetch: https://www.python.org/ftp/python/doc/current/python-3.8.9-docs-html.tar.bz2: Not Found
=> Attempting to fetch http://distcache.FreeBSD.org/ports-distfiles/python/python-3.8.9-docs-html.tar.bz2
fetch: http://distcache.FreeBSD.org/ports-distfiles/python/python-3.8.9-docs-html.tar.bz2: Not Found
=> Couldn't fetch it - please try to retrieve this
=> port manually into /net/freebsd/ports/distfiles/python and try again.
*** Error code 1
make[1]: stopped in /usr/ports/lang/python-doc-html
*** Error code 1
make: stopped in /usr/ports/lang/python-doc-html
What's wrong?
Yasuhiro Kimura